Sunday, 12 February 2006
Spiffy and I are in maintenance mode as far as training goes, I am busy looking for a new job, and for a variety of other reasons I'm closing this blog. If I start up another training journal I'll post the link here.
Monday, 30 January 2006
The results are in....
WE PASSED!!! Spiffy is now a certified Canine Good Citizen! Okay, technically he failed the test once because he "eliminated" during the exam (I've got to stop this marking behavior; he's done it several times there), but the evaluator let us take that test item over again and he passed. He did very well on the test, and even did pretty good on the handler/dog greeting test with Merlin. He tried to get a little sniff in, but I made him sit and it worked great.
I will post a picture later with his new CGC tag. I'm trying to find a decent collar too. I got one at Petsmart but I think it's fake leather and will probably not wear in too well. I might order a nice leather one from leerburg. We'll see.
Anyway, I am glad we passed the exam. Not sure what is next, maybe Rally Obedience. Adios.
Saturday, 28 January 2006
Big Day
Topic: Miscellaneous
Hm, I'm not so good about posting in this journal anymore, eh? Well today is the big day - CGC test in half an hour. I'm eating cereal and getting ready to go soon. I'll post the results later today.
Wish us luck!
Monday, 9 January 2006
First CGC Prep Class
Spiff and I had a very nice weekend. We had our first CGC Prep class on Saturday and he did pretty well. The requirements seem fairly loose so I think he has a good chance of passing. The dog/handler greeting test was not so good, but he didn't do horribly either. I have to really work on that one, which is hard since I don't have many friends with dogs that I can ask. The other iffy test item was the 3-minute separation. She said he was a *little* whiny but not bad. That's one I can work on. Christina said he's gotten very attached to me so it's to be expected that he might have a hard time with that test. I think the only thing that was really hard for him was the fact that he had to do it with all those other scary dogs around!!
I think we'll have to miss class this weekend as we'll be going to Rangeley for the long weekend. I will do some work with him while we're up there though. I can at least practice the 3-minute separation test. Oh and the 3-minute down too we need to work on. He kept popping up in class.
I will also have to practice doing the test with just his buckle collar on. No prongs or e-collars allowed. This morning I walked him with the e-collar on and he did pretty well. I continue to practice heeling and the "look" command while we're out on walks. Before the actual test I will take him for a long walk, tire him out, and also charge up the "look" command and the "heel" command so it's fresh in his little doggie mind.
I really hope he passes the test, but if he doesn't it will be ok. We'll take it again.
Oh and we had a nice walk yesterday with "dad". When we got home our neighbor was outside with his son, sledding. We stopped in to say hello and they have a fenced yard so I let Spiff off the leash for some running time. He had fun, and when I took a turn on the sled he ran down after me and seemed to be having a blast. He also had a 30-second spazz out (i.e. running around like mad for no apparent reason) so he got some good exercise yesterday.
Also Christina noticed that he has lost weight. I asked her if he looked *too* thin and she said no, he looks good. I told her how he had gained 12 pounds in the year we had him, so I put him on a diet. One thing I've noticed, though, is that his neck has shrunk too because his collar is much more loose now. I think he looks good but I don't want him any thinner.
Friday, 6 January 2006
Tomorrow we go back to group class, this time it's a CGC prep class. I'm glad to get back to classes, but it was nice to have a break too.
So, yesterday we were out on our walk in the neighborhood, and we were about to turn a corner when I spotted an unleashed sheperd or husky mix walking down the street, no owner in sight. I didn't hesitate for a second, just turned right around and went back up the street the way we came. Spiff didn't see the other dog, and the dog luckily did not come after us once we had left. I was very pleased with my quick reaction. That was no time to be proofing Spiff's obedience and risk a bad scene.
Other than that, the walk was fine. Today was a nice one too. I made him do a lot of heeling. This month I am going to work very hard on leash walking with him, as it will be a requirement for CGC, and no corrective collars are allowed!!!
Wednesday, 4 January 2006
little dogs
Further evidence that even little dogs need to be obedience trained!!
Pack of chihuahuas attack police offier
Topic: Daily Walk & Training
Spiffy has been getting rather pushy lately. This morning I put his collar on for a walk, then sat down in the living room to put my shoes on. He came over to me and nudged me right in the tummy with his nose. I gave him a stern NO and ignored him.
Anyway, I signed up for Christina's CGC Prep class this month, and I'm going to really buckle down and work like crazy with Spiff to get him to pass. Also she's going to show me how to clip his nails. He ripped a dew claw AGAIN and we're having a hard time keeping it clean.
I'll try to start posting more regularly, with actual reports of actual training and actual results!!
Thursday, 22 December 2005
Topic: Daily Walk & Training
Today we had a very nice walk. The thermometer said 18 but it actually felt quite warm, I think it was more like 40. I brought treats with me again and practiced the 'look' command as well as heeling. He was very attentive, and after the treats came out he would randomly look back at me with that hopeful gaze. So I rewarded that behavior a couple times with treats. I practiced heel command quite a bit, and it definitely helped to have the treats. I was even able to keep his focus on me for about a block while he was in heel position.
We'll go back to group class next month, and start practicing for the CGC test. By the way, poor
Christina lost one of her dogs this week, Hera. I never met her, but she had been suffering from arthritis, though her passing was unexpected. Me and Spiff said a prayer for her.
Wednesday, 21 December 2005
Topic: Daily Walk & Training
It has been difficult to do any formal ob sessions with all the snow and ice on the ground, so I've only been doing random sessions in the house, plus working on his heel while we're out on our walk.
I've been bringing treats along on our walks too, and practicing the 'look' command, along with heel. This morning I made him heel a bit further than usual, but I sweetened the pot with a little lamb lung treats, and lotsa lotsa praise when he's looking at me. He still is not perfect on the leash though.
Oh and I tried getting him to do a backwards heel and no dice. Too confused. I need some kind of a trick for that one. Maybe just one step at a time.
I'm really hoping to get a video cam soon so I can start posting some fun vids of our training. Okay, back to work now.
Tuesday, 13 December 2005
Oh my, what a COLD walk we had this morning. It's been too snowy out to do much training outside. This weekend Spiff got to take some walks in the woods with Ken as I was off doing my own thing on Saturday and Sunday. He's been very pushy lately, I need to keep on top of him.
Oh yeah, I've decided my goal for January will be the
CGC Certificate, or title, whatever it's called. I'm going to look up the test criteria and start practicing the hell out of each one from now until then.
More on that later.
Posted by Annie
at 11:21 AM EST
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Updated: Tuesday, 13 December 2005 11:22 AM EST
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