Welcome to Spiffy's homepage on the web. Spiffy joined our home in September 2004. He was born in October 2002 and we believe he is part border collie and part lab or pointer. Some people think he is all border collie, and he certainly has the personality of one.

Spiffy's story. Spiffy's last known owners in California gave him up for adoption after he accidentally killed a chiuaua while playing with it on the beach. He spent some time in foster care and then lived in a shelter for about six months, but was very lucky to have a guardian angel who brought him home on the weekends and tried very hard to find a permanent home for him since she could not adopt him herself. This woman was friends with my neighbor's sister. When my neighbor's sister heard that Spiffy's time at the shelter may be running out, she agreed to take him into her home. Spiffy and his guardian angel flew out to Boston (he was in his crate for about 13 hours straight!) and met with his new mom. He loved his new home, but new mom found that Spiffy needed more time outdoors than she could provide with her small apartment.

One day she brought him to my neighbor's house to leave him in the fenced-in yard all day while she worked. My husband and I fell in love with him and of course asked about him...when we heard she was considering adoption we told her we'd love to have him. A few days later arrived on our doorstep. And the rest is to be continued....

Spiffy pix!spiffy's training journal

graphics by miz kitty
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